Who we are

Lem, the Environment & Development Society of Ethiopia (Lem Ethiopia) is a citizenís movement on environment & sustainable development established in March 1992 and officially launched in June 1992 on the occasion of the celebration of the World Environment Day at UNECA conference hall where the then President and now Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and other national and international officials delivered keynote address and messages (the message is available in the publications part). The event was initiated by Lem Ethiopia which was the first time to celebrate World Environment Day at higher level in Ethiopia
Since its establishment the Society has legally registered and renews its license by authorized government institutions as per the government policies and regulations. As per the new Charities and Societies Law, the Society has re-registered with registration No. 0454 in Nov. 2010.
The highest decision making body is the General Assembly which is held every year. Its financial system is computerized as per the acceptable standards. Auditing is up dated up to December 31, 2011 by certified accounting firm. The General Assembly is held once in a year if there is not any urgent case and discuss on whether the strategies approved by the General Assembly are properly implemented or not, on physical and financial reports, plans and on other matters raised by members. Members of Board of Directors are elected by the General Assembly for two years period. H.E. Girma W/Ghiorgis, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is among the initiators and currently he is the patron. Costantinos Berhe Tesfu (Ph.D) is the President of the Society. Day to day activities and office management is carried out by the secretariat headed by the executive director who is appointed by the Board of Directors.
The Vision, Mission & Goal of the organization
Vision statement
Lem Ethiopia envisions an Ethiopia whos