Lem Ethiopia

Lem Ethiopia

You are here: Home What we do Promoting grass-roots sustainability

Promoting grass-roots sustainability

The capacity building initiative is complemented with demonstrative efforts on community based soil and water conservation, alternative livelihood options, alternative technologies in the areas of energy, construction and agricultural productivity and urban waste management. The following are what we focus under this component;

Promotions of farmers friendly & cost effective technologies (energy saving stoves,  small and large scale biogas  system, promotion of mud technology, water harvesting, compost production from waste, etc.,) & enhancing  any other farmers friendly technologies through community based demo sites & skill development training,
Promotion of farm household and private-community wood lots and agro-forestry through community based facilitation programs,
Promote the reduction of soil erosion caused by inappropriate farming practices and overgrazing,
Promotion of biodiversity conservation through awareness development & information accessing and lobbying; e.g. lobby for the legal protection of those areas rich in biological resources,
Promoting organic products that can boost agricultural yield, e.g. use of organic fertilizer whenever possible,
Recognize womenís decisive role in the realization of sustainable development & promote the empowerment of women,

Conduct research by identifying gaps that promote alternative livelihoods,
Give due attention to the livestock sector with regard to natural resources conservation and improved livelihood through promoting sustainable livestock management.
Promotion of farm labor and time saving as well as efficiency enhancing farmersí friendly technologies through demo site establishment, seminars & workshops.
Network with countries which once have similar experience but now have good experiences or success stories; e.g. India, China, etc.
Create hundreds and thousands of peopleí movements who are  development oriented and voluntarily organized for the realization of sustainable development

Thematic Areas & sectors involved

The main thematic areas Lem Ethiopia is focusing are the following where gender is mainstreamed in each thematic area;
Environment (natural resources sustainable utilization, air, water & soil pollution), health and education related to human wellbeing,
Soil and water conservation linked with livelihood security,
Sustainable and participatory urban waste management,
Networking and partnership with government, target communities national and international organizations who have similar mission





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